Spine Therapy with ELDOA™
Previous ELDOA™ experience is RECOMMENDED (not required).
$30 per month gives you access to over 100+ themed classes.
For the cost of 1 dinner out per month… commitment phobic, NO PROBLEM, cancel anytime!
ELDOA 24/7 when YOU want, where YOU want on any device YOU want.
Learn how to get more mobile, more flexible, stronger, taller and smarter with SPINE THERAPY with ELDOA.
Increases joint and body awareness
Increases muscle tone, muscle performance, flexibility and joint stability
Decreases pressure between vertebrae, reducing disc herniations & delaying degenerative disc disease by increasing disc hydration
Reduces and/or improve scoliosis curvatures
Reduces joint inflammation & arthritis
Improves posture reducing forward head posturing
Facilitates athletic recovery & injury prevention
Improved recovery time for sports & training
Decrease excessive pressure on nerves relieving chronic & acute neck and back pain.
Improves blood flow throughout the body
Improves flow of cerebrospinal fluid
Reduces Stress